Why Is Stretching Important?
Oftentimes stretching is something that is considered to be performed by athletes such as runners or gymnasts. This is however far from the truth as stretching is to be performed by everyone who engages in any form of physical activity. Athletes are well informed on the benefits of stretching massage Dubai as it is included in their routine, but the average person is usually oblivious to the need for stretching. To get better results from exercising and feel less sore afterward, you will have to stretch for a few minutes every day.
What Makes Stretching That Important?
You don’t want to wake up one morning only to realize that you are a bit stiff in some muscles and joint regions. Stretching is essential to maintain muscle flexibility, keeping them healthy and strong. This flexibility allows for more fluid movement in the joints and of certain body parts. Not stretching enough can cause tightness in your muscles and shorten them, making it harder to engage in certain tasks. The end result leads to muscle damage, strain, and joint pain. Regular stretching ensures the muscles remain flexible and lean and are ready to perform when called upon during certain activities.
Stretching for Beginners?
At first, it can be a bit overwhelming to start stretching daily, given our bodies are made up of a lot of muscles. However, it isn’t compulsory to stretch every single area of muscle in your body to achieve the desired results. You should only stretch the muscles necessary for mobility, that is, in your lower body such as the hamstring, calves, pelvis, and so on. Also, other parts of your body which include your shoulders, neck, and regions of your lower back should not be left out for comfort. It’s fine to opt for a routine that involves daily stretching or a minimum of three to four times weekly.
The Long Term Benefits
You won’t get the results you want without stretching a little more frequently. To reap the reward and notice any visible difference, you will have to dedicate a good amount of time to stretch. It will take more than a few tries to undo damages while easing tightness in the muscles caused over time. Patience and dedication are key, as it may take weeks or months to finally reap the rewards from stretching. Your first few attempts may be difficult, but it gets better over time because the muscles will grow accustomed to the routine of stretching.
The Proper Way
Learning the proper way to stretch at any massage center Dubai is essential to avoid damaging the muscles. Contrary to what most people believe, you should exercise first before stretching as this gets blood to flow to certain areas of the body, including the muscles. It now becomes easier to stretch out and make them more receptive to any change. You need to be in a stretch pose for a few seconds, about 30 seconds and if there is pain anywhere you should stop immediately and seek medical attention.

“Stop chasing the money and start chasing the passion.”
— Tony Hsieh