Lesser Known Facts About the Toyota Land Cruiser
You can easily rent Toyota Land Cruiser Dubai at a lucrative rental deal from any of the renowned service providers. Driving a luxury vehicle without knowing anything about it will not give joy and satisfaction. If you are among those who are interested in knowing about the vehicle, this article is for you.
Toyota AK10 Was a 2-Seater
Before Land Cruiser, there was something called AK10. This vehicle was actually a 2-seater. Many of them are unaware of this fact. The 2-seater was quite popular at that time.
It Accommodates Big Groups
You would be delighted to know that the Toyota Land Cruiser boasts an 8-person comfortable seating arrangement. There are no hassles for 8 people to travel together in the vehicle. There is no compromise with the quality. The experience is immersive in the truest of senses.
Moreover, the Toyota Land Cruiser is remarkably spacious. No passenger experiences any space crunch. There is still ample space left for the cargo. If you intend to go on a long vacation, choosing the Toyota Land Cruiser is an excellent decision. It would be a memorable road trip.
Ranked at Prestigious Car Rallies
In 1996, there was an international car rally organized in the capital city of Senegal, Dakar. Toyota Land Cruiser bagged first and second place in this rally considered to be the most challenging. It was one of the moments when people came to know about the robustness of the vehicle.
Waterproof Exhaust
A waterproof exhaust is one of the salient features of this vehicle. The components of this vehicle are also waterproof. So, you don’t have to worry about driving it in heavy showers.
Robustness of The 200 Series
You would be astonished to know that the 200 series of the Toyota Land Cruiser has the ability to conveniently tow approximately 8000 pounds. Industry experts highly appreciate this tremendous attribute of the vehicle. It is arguably unmatched in the competitive auto industry globally.
A Preferred Vehicle of Various Relief Organizations
Do you know that a wide range of famous relief organizations across the world prefers Toyota Land Cruisers for their extensive relief work? The all-weather and all-terrain vehicle makes it comfortable to reach relief to distant and remote places, without any considerable hassles.
Contact a Car Rental Service Provider
If you are seriously interested in renting luxury cars Dubai, you must make it a priority to talk to a reputable car rental service provider active in the local market. Feel free to ask relevant questions the company about various rental packages and plans.

“Stop chasing the money and start chasing the passion.”
— Tony Hsieh